Monday, October 3, 2011

Do we or do we not?

For everyone out there who believes that we see the world through our own experiences, of a pair of filters moulded by our immediate worlds...
How aware are you really?

How do fights and disagreements begin? I wonder...
Well it has to start from 2 points..... both equally correct.. or so they think...
So if both is correct, then who is wrong?

I remember when i was young, i was bad at maths... my brother on the other hand was very good. A star student. One day my mum had him tutor me. We are 7 years apart, i was only in my primary school back then, so he would have been in his teens.

Well... being a teen and having to tutor his youngest sister, lets say he could have been slightly impatient to start with, definitely not his ideal way of spending a weekend afternoon. And trying very hard to hide it of course.. but wanting to be very helpful at the same time. I'm sure he had tonnes of other things planned and was hopping he could get it over and done with quickly.

So things started slowly... a = d x 6 = x, I didn't get it the first time... and went huh?
After a few more times it became a = d x 6 = x, a = d x 6 = x, a = d x 6 =X
His voice started to get louder,
I asked, "but what happened to b & c? How did the a become  d ?  You have to go through b & c."
The more impatient he got, the more blur i became... my defenses were up.
I couldn't understand why he was getting mad when all i asked was " how did he get from a to d, without going through b &c
Being younger it was a tough fight, I had lots of difficulty expressing negative emotions, even since then.

And now, when in a corner... i still find myself in a state of panic and confusion.... being blur is my self defense... My head goes numb and all my collected thoughts disappear.. Defend against why you may ask... well.. the energy sent out of course... the provoking stare of disbelief or judging...
When one gets angry it comes out of the eyes..... and when done with intent pierces like a sword.

How dis-empowering it can be...

( I remember when I was in Australia, and this certain person had misjudged me. Being a person in power she told the whole group of what she thought i did, while staring at me... It was a psychic attack. A very well attained friend of mine was sitting in front of me and received half of the blow, a fire ball was launched and blew a hole in my heart chakra, don't know who much damage she got, but we both spoke about it after. Took me a few days to recover)

I could not hear him, and he could not me... ( we'll he thought he heard me)

He had decided i was stupid,
I kept feeling unheard and judged, wondering why he couldn't just explain further.
In the end tears fell.... i felt hopeless.  We were both frustrated....

Looking back at it... it was all really silly...
What was it all about? Facts? Feelings? or both?
How aware are we of our thoughts?

What i've learned... is my blurness is a defense mechanism, and according to a book i read.... the Celestine Prophecy if someone is able to point it out.... the defense disappears... I've tested the theory in the book on someone else... it works.

I should seek out and read that book again.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

pls boil water and make soup with the book, drink three times a day and then repeat till pages grow white and word are all melted.
To know if it works, meet me again at the end of October... (this time you find out by yourself, why and where b&c went first before coming to the meeting)