Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Bodhisattva rediscovered.

Today i was most fortunate to have been able to watch the movie titled The Passion, directed by Mel Gibson. This Movie is in Aramic, which i feel really adds on to it's authencity. I am definetly no expert on Christianity, butI was greatly touched and inspired by this film. It actually left me contemplating.. thus, i shall share a scene or two that remains in my memory. In one scene, Jesus quoted: " If you only love those that you love, what reward is in that? This reminds me of another verse i saw in a hospital, which said: If you can't love the brother which you have seen, how can you love god whom which you have not seen?

The first verse makes me think of how easy it is to have compassion for those whom we like and love. And how hard it is for even the best of us to find compassion for those that have hurt us. After all.. isn't it so much easier to stay in our own little boxes, and our own little worlds and neglect all else which we deem unimportant? One thing is for sure... that person whom we may hate, that begger on the street, that drug addict, that transexual, that gay or lesbian, that person of a different race or country, or religious belief.. That person dear friend, is important to someone else. That person, when given the right causes and conditions has the potential to turn into a luminous, beautiful gem. So who are we to judge the mud which covers the gem? How different are we from anybody else? What gives us the right to judge? Our wealth? Our level of education? Or is it really our own rightousness, Our ego thats judgemental?

Would you at the moment of death, when in agony and pain be able to pray for, forgive and willingly take on the suffering of all beings. And look upon those whom have wronged you with love? I know i can't. But HE did.. and for this.. and all of his wisdom and compassion, i think of Jesus as not just the Son of Man.. but a great Bodhisattva. One that i have recently rediscovered.

1 comment:

Mervin Lee said...

Pusa . . . in disguise. . . ;)