Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Riddles Riddles Riddles

For some weird reason during a conversation last night, a friend said something that triggered something in my mind. So i made it into a riddle, which then became a topic of discussion during dinner tonight. After all, we all like riddles right? especially if we can solve them. It goes like this:
If a person is Good at one moment, and is bad at another moment,
Which is the real moment?
And of course YOU, the reader will say.. it depends on if he is bad more, or good more.
But then... what if the moments were equal? Then how would you decide? the continuation of the riddle goes like this:

If in the day the sky is blue, and at night the sky is black,
Which is the real sky?
Really... there is not true right or wrong answer. Please do try to remember this. I only ask that you read this with an open mind and i shall try my best to explain what i think, as eloquently as i can, with my extremely limited words.. This little speck of dust, is requesting that YOU dear reader, take a look at possibilities, and what you can create with possibilities. link the two riddles, and you'll get a clearer picture.

If a person is good at one moment, and bad at another moment,
If in the day the sky is blue, and at night the sky is black,
which one is real?
My answer is all are real and all are false. So there is no real and there is no false. Now the reason i say this is because, everything that we perceive is biased in one way or another. We gauge and measure it according to some other experience or mental conditioning. It's all about perceptions, and perceptions can change at any moment. And because perceptions change all the time, everything is the truth, yet it is not. Get it? In other words, is it there or is it in my head ?

If you think of it as being as being over there, then that's how you will experience it. But it you think that it's in your head, then you get a whole new experience. Things become a little more complicated, you'll see that your perception of something is shaped by the mental constructs (thoughts) that you impose on it... Yes yes... you may now be thinking, "but what about the good and bad ? How can you compare nature with something where people have a choice?" Well... can you see where your mind has focused to? What if the riddle had been:
If at one moment the sea is in High tide, the next moment it's in low tide,
If in the day the sky is blue, and at night the sky is black,
Which one is real?
Would your thoughts still be the same?

So now.... with this in mind... Think about the possibilities. Can you choose to view the world differently from what it already is? Can you choose to view everything in a non-judgemental and loving manner? After all.. we all want peace and happiness right? Think about it..... What possibilities are you capable of creating? After all I am just a little speck of dust in a vast universe.. but i choose to think that how i think or view the world does make a difference. How about you?


Mervin Lee said...

Imagine seeing the whole world through a child's perception. The tune from Louis Amstrong's 'What a wonderful world' is on my mind.....

Hehehe another little speck of dust here....

Anonymous said...

"If a person is good at one moment, and bad at another moment,
If in the day the sky is blue, and at night the sky is black,
which one is real?
My answer is all are real and all are false"

My answer is "all are real, all are true" in the case of the sky or nature of things...and "all are real and there's no right nor wrong and no non-real moments, in regards to human behaviour"

Human actions and behavior are the results of the person's surroundings...., every little thing, every moments, and every movement of the nature or people surrounding this particular person affects the way she/he behaves. So if at one moment she/he is good and is bad at another....both moments are real moments.

The audience of this persons' will then judge what to believe and what to not, what is real and what is not based on their does not mean that judging a persons' behaviour is bad thing..., but it's a natural thing, people have perception about everything...because perceptions are the results of the audiences surroundings affected by cultural values, belief etc...,

Well that's how i see it.. another speck of dust perception...too tiny to make any significant different to the world. :)