Monday, April 7, 2008

Why do I blog?

Hmmm ... this is a very interesting question. Honestly, i never thought I'd ever start a blog. I was one of those few people who thought "why the hell would i want to let the whole world know what I'm doing?" and " isn't it bad enough that we read so much gossip in magazines and papers, do we really need more on the Internet.?" Well, i guess things change. People change, thoughts and perceptions change. I now think blogs are a great way to share experiences and thoughts.

So i guess that's why, on this night, as i was driving my very old worn down car, i had a light bulb experience. A sudden enlightenment... I THINK I'LL START A BLOG. And so here i am, writing a blog. Thanks to instructions from a friend i got everything started. This is a whole new world to me... and what can i offer to the world? What do i hope to achieve by writing here?

Well.... nothing much actually, after all I'm just a little speck of dust in this vast universe. But then, i was once told even a little speck of dust can make a difference. So here i am, sharing my thoughts, my experiences with other little or maybe big specks of dust. And hey, you never know... we just might make a difference, in our very own weird way......

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