Monday, March 7, 2011

discovering oneself

Funny how life plays tricks on you. I've always remebered when i was young i would always tell myself, Jules.... don't study Business or marketing. It's an evil trade... one where there is exploitation and where one will have to think of $$ how to keep it, how to make it.... such suffering

And oh how i'd judge spouses who started businesses together. Wondering if all the fights and differences in opinions was worth while. And who played what and were and how. And thinking what suffering.... sure didn't want to get involved with that. Like the saying goes.... " Never Say Never".

Life has bitten me by the neck, for here i am starting a business a backpackers lodge with my partner. And oh it is hard..... our differences in opinions, her attempts to do what she thinks best, and my attempts to stay strong and do what i think best....

The constant clashing and dashing at each other... and the unbearable silence...
But the truth is, as strong as i may look, i'm a softy. And as my sweetheart says i have dreams but never have the faith or strength to pursue it. After all what do i have to loose? The respect of my parents and family? Bankruptcy? Or getting sued? Well i guess i really don't have much to loose... no house or car under my name..... just my miserly savings.

Guess the greatest fear is loosing the respect of my family.... or my partner.... And in this situation, most of the time there is no real winning for me... for most of the time, i stuck in between.

Oh how much easier it would have been if we could have just gotten a bank loan which gave us enough to start. Then there would be no fights over budgets for we had no choice but NOT exceed it. But then we are paupers making an attempt to fulfill our dream borrowing money from family, with a limit blurred. Borrowing money we don't really have, hoping for a break.......

What a journey it is... to discover oneself.

But then again, what would life be if we didn't have to courage to attempt anything....?

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