Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Monk in me

This is the time for the monk in me to change...

For you see, the monk in me never had much aspirations, But only to help and serve.

The monk in me never liked computers,

for it gave him a tight chest and tingly arms...

The monk in me in the past i'm sure, has taken vows of poverty,

and has since worked hard to sever them,

The monk in me hates numbers,

and debts are like wings being clipped.

He dosen't like athority this monk in me,

for as hermit as he can be...

he can walk along in silence,

being quite oblivious to what he may see....

But then here it is this monk...

He has no choice but to change..

to grow from his shell, out of his box...

to computers, and numbers as well.

For now there is work, there is work dear monk,

There is no time to procrastinate...

Quick learn what you have tried so hard to avoid before...

it's a choice it's a choice you must take.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the Monk in you is learning ways to be an evolving Monk, one that does all things in all ways but fear.

Love you truly above pods....