Sunday, November 20, 2011

The self

I had a very enlightening conversation with someone today. And was given very good feedback. I was told i had changed... i guess in some ways drastically.

I'd have to agree.... It was easy to be all spiritual when there was time. When my mornings were not a get out of bed and go to work or get home, bathe and sleep routine. Now a days, i actually have to motivate myself to burn incense at the alter, when previously i was critical on how it should be done, in a certain manner, a certain time...

What has changed i wonder? Has my focus in life taken a new direction? Is this part of my journey into discovering myself? I do recall periods of time when my intense need to soul search varied from nothing to deligent retreat. Perhaps it's time again. After all.... it has been 4 years since i focused fully on inner practice.

Have i really changed?  Have i become a crook, focused on my fears and money? For sure, the free spirited me is still present and unchanged, and feeling the pressure of having my wings clipped. I still want to heal and do good...

Perhaps it's really time i contemplated on my methods..........

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