Tuesday, November 8, 2011


With the current events happening in my home country, i can't help but to reflect on my own thoughts and actions.

Here we have a blanket banning of an event meant to create awareness and tolerance,
And on the other end we have prejudice and intolerance.
Fixed views i call it.

I wonder how often this happens in our everyday lives, when our views become fixed.
And how easy it is to judge when our thoughts are made up about the people around us.
As much as we may think that we are open minded, we.... in the deepest sense are not.
We are still confined to our thought and opinions, conditioned by books, society, education and the media etc..

We are constantly judging, knowingly or unknowingly, when we criticize another's work, or how they do their work our judgements are endless.. In a society driven by instant results and gains, it definitely is a skill to be able to put our discriminations aside.

Even more then ever when we are constantly having to face discriminations of our own.

Question is.... do we have the self awareness to not discriminate and choose to view the world with compassion? How many of us consciously make an effort not to discriminate?

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