Saturday, October 29, 2011


I often wonder if disagreements and fights begin because i fail to be more understanding,
Or that i'm selfish and have put myself first...
As much as i try to be open and wise, i guess i have my bad judgements..
I can be grumpy and thoughtless,
Recently i've been told that i'm hostile and moody..
Perhaps all that is true...

But i think even the best of us have bad days..
I recall a period of time some years back..
I kept having difficulty keeping awake..
Maybe it was some karma of some sort, or just physical and mental exhaustion.
I'd find myself falling to sleep and struggling to way up.
And having dreams of missing a class... i was working then.
Another period where i was trying to find footing in life..

We all get wiped of our feet occasionally,
Sadly for me, i seem to adapt quite slowly,
Maybe i don't take change very well when it comes to ME!

This is a period of growth... and as much as i'm struggling i do see the light ahead..
It just feels like a long way... even though deep down i know that its not...
This will pass......... it always does......

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