Thursday, May 3, 2012

There are moments in time where we wake up and drag ourselves out of bed, to work, to places... due to exhaustion, trauma, major changes in life, not wanting to face certain things...

I'm sure we all have had instances where people have beaten us down, and we find it hard to pick ourselves up again. Life never goes as planned..... there will be moments like stress, things not working out at work,  someone you respect and care for saying negative things at you.

I remember when i was young i always never felt i was good enough for my father. He always had a way of pushing us, in the most demeaning way. " well maybe not to that extreme" but at a young tender age, it certainly did bite, when we did something wrong and he'd tap our heads and call us stupid. Or when he'd imply we were useless for not helping with chores or was too slow to react.

When i was in my teens i learned the art of avoiding him, of course I knew he meant well, but still... just because i understood, it doesn't mean it didn't hurt, and his words tho spoken with good intention, was also spoken with judgement.  I recall, the many times my mother would get agitated  to the brink of tears by his battering on her so called imperfections.

I use to seriously ponder.... is that all necessary? To comment or make remarks, just because people may not be acting or reacting the way we want them to... Do we all not have the right to just be in our own space and yet still fit in with the crowd? Can't people share moments together and enjoy

I do know that sometimes we make comments with good intentions, like my dad does ( he has a big heart ) but he also fails to realize that as great an intention he may have... people may have differing opinions...
"It's never fully white or black... Most things are grey" and his remarks are rather hurtful... as honest and truthful as he thinks he is.....

So question is.....  who's at fault?

The listener or the sayer? Truth is... i think no one is.....  its just a matter of how much one can swallow... and how pure the intention of the comments....

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